Contact Us

At a lot of what we sell is custom and there are often questions. Feel free to use this form to ask any questions you may have.

To Make An Appointment: If you want to shop in person in NYC, Long Island, Chicago, Marlboro NJ or Philadelphia, we are happy to set up a shopping appointment for you. Just fill out the form and we will get you in touch with the correct sales representative for your area.
In Reference To Your Order: If you are emailing in reference to a specific order, please list the order number in the subject line. Please keep in mind that custom orders take more time than you think (anywhere from 4-6, or even 8 weeks at the height of the season March-July) and we will not get in touch with you until your order is complete. The reason orders take so long is because just about every single item being ordered is being made by hand, one at a time, often by one person. From a Caboodle to an Airbrushed Chair, a Sweatshirt to a Lock Box, each piece is custom and personalized.

To Set Up A Registry: We are happy to create a gift registry for your camper. Just fill out this form and we can get it setup for you. Make sure to include information such as his or her name, age, camp, and any other information you think would be helpful to get started. We will get in touch with you when we receive it and go from there. 

To Reach Your Local Rep or Have a Phone Consultation: Just fill out the form with where you live, and we will put you in touch with the right person.

Additionally, we specialize in both camp and school spiritwear, bunk gifts, party favors, sleepover treats, etc. and some of it might not be on the website. Please contact us to talk more about these things if you have any questions.

Thanks for contacting us. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.